Monday, June 7, 2010

why I play...

Someone once told me...

"Music is the one thing that has the ability to numb me and move me at the same time. It can bring me back to life, time and time again. So, that's why I play. And I will continue to play. I will never stop. Because once I lose that feeling, that is when I will die."

All for the love of music. Have you ever heard a song that was so powerful it brought you to tears? I heard one today. It made me think of this wise man who once said this to me back in college. And I agree. Music moves me like nothing else. I have always wished I was blessed with the talent to write, create, and move others through music.

To those people who are talented and brave enough to create music, you are my heros. Keep going, keep writing, keep playing, keep dreaming. Whether it's for packed stadiums, friends at a bonfire, or alone in your room, don't ever stop playing. Because you never know who your music will touch and how powerful that moment will be.


Friday, May 7, 2010


SO...for a long time I was very against Twitter. I never understood why people used it.

Well, I broke down. YES, I am on twitter. Let's see how this goes...




How to HELP!!!

Okay. So Middle Tennessee is flooded. We all know that by now. And chances are, most of us have either been affected by this situation, or know someone who has. I have friends and co-workers who have lost everything. It's still hard to grasp the extent of the devastation here, even living in the area. The water in downtown took my breath away when I saw it earlier this week, and just driving home is a constant reminder of the destruction in Bellevue. There is no end to tragic stories from this disaster. All from RAIN-It's insane to think that something usually considered such a positive, and so beautiful can cause such destruction.

I am asking you to do what you can and try to help. :)

The link above has a great list of resources to reach out to. Whether you can donate goods, time, or money, you can make a difference in helping bring the people of Middle Tennesse back to life again!

If you would like to donate goods, I will be in Bowling Green this weekend. I would be more than happy to pick them up from you, or you can drop them off to me on Sunday morning, 8am-12pm. I will be making a drop off Sunday afternoon or Monday morning to a shelter AND to the Salvation Army. ANY AND EVERYTHING will be greatly appreciated.

If you want to donate $-please use one of the links of this page. They will show you how to make a donation via Credit Card. Or, if you want to make a cash/check donation, I can turn that in for you as well. I just ask you please put it in a sealed envelope with the name of the organization you would like to donate to on the front.

If you would like to donate your time and get hands on, that would be AMAZING! Organizations all over town are setting up rebuiling and tear down groups for volunteers. There are too many options to mention here, so please, check out the list and choose one!

OR, if you want to donate and want something in return, please purchase our WE ARE NASHVILLE tee shirt. 100% of proceeds are being donated.

Please, if you can help, do it! There are so many people that would greatly appreciate it. :) If we all do just a little, we can make a big change. :)

Lots and lots of LOVE...Amanda


Friday, April 30, 2010

this made my day...

Actually, it only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can't remember if its the 13th or the 14th? - George Burns

Roethlisberger = douche


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Stupid People

Me: (buying a 20lb bag of dog food)

Guy: Hey, is that for your dog?

Me: No. I like to pour milk on it and eat it like cereal.

Guy: Oh! Really?!

Me: Um, I'm leaving now.

I can't stand stupid people.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


It's been a long time, long time

I shouldn't have left you, left you

Without a dope beat to step to

Step to, step to, step to...

OK!!!'s been months upon months since I have even been on here! So much has happened, and, MAN! life is great now.

To briefly catch up...

Novemeber and December brought on some drama when a good friend's engagment was broken off. It was hard to see someone I care about so deeply go through such a low period. I don't think I will ever understand how you can treat someone you "love" so poorly. I honestly pray for this person all the time, because I think if something this devastating happened to me, I wouldn't handle it with half the integrity and grace that they have. YOU ARE AWESOME. :)

Christmas came and went with the usual family time and BG visits! As wonderful as the holiday is, it's always rough to say goodbye to my family. Christmas is pretty much the only time we are together, and even then, it's only for a few days at most.

New Years brought on a new chapter. Out with the old, in with the new. Overnight, everything seemed to change. I spent this New Year up in Seattle with my amazing friend, Susan. Susan's wedding to Chris was incredible. Being a part of the whole experience really showed me that one day I, too, want to marry my best friend. We spent the week in the beautiful wine country outside of Seattle. Talk about natural beauty! I was in complete awe. I met some friends and family of Susan's and what incredible people! (shout out to Allison!) As for wedding duties, dress making, creating flower arrangments, decorating, bachelorette fiestas, showers-you name it, we did it. The week FLEW by in what felt like mere seconds. One night I went as far as to risk my life on the free way to switch cars so we would all be able to drive in the carpool lane. The whole week was a wild celebration of bringing my two friends together in the best of ways. Not to mention, the New Years party after the reception just might be the best I have ever been a part of. :) Except for the hangover part...

The job search continued with highs and lows. A few promising interviews lifted me up, then threw me down with no offers. I struggled a bit with keeping my confidence high. Sadly, I even realized that this rejection was not only affecting my confidence in the job arena, but also melted over in to my personal life. But don't worry... I'm working full time again, and my confidence grows every day! Some days, too much. :)

Yet, starting back at work had it's highs and lows as well. It was difficult to say goodbye to my dog walking clients. All those pups had grown on me, and I loved them, just as I do Zoey! I still get to babysit for a few clients that I picked up while not working, and I love hanging out with those kids. They keep me young! (As if I really need any encouragement to act like an immature asshole!)

In March, I got a nice surprise from my other family, the Walkers! They extended an invite the beach, which I of course jumped on. A quick trip to Florida for Easter concluded with a little bit of a tan, a big lack of sleep, and new scars on my leg as proof of how much fun I REALLY had. Then, it was time to start the new J-O-B.

My new job is interesting! Fact: I love working with Kristy Bryant again. Sometimes you don't realize how much you've missed a friend until they appear back in your life. Seeing her smiling face helps make work bareable! I never pictured myself doing this type of work, but somehow it fits. I surprisingly enjoy it! The fact that my co-workers kick ass and spend more time talking about sports and happy hour than real work keeps me interested. Ironically, we admit people into rehab all day long...HUM.

With this new year has come some new friendships! I have grown closer to a few ladies that I have known for a while. Yet, some things have happened to show me who's really going to be there and have my back when I actually need it. I have to say, these continually growing friendships make me incredibly happy. I am talking about CHEESY happy! And...I've been dating around some, and even met a boy I like! Yet, in true Amanda fashion, I distance myself and cause issues just to prevent myself from getting too close too quick. Old habits die hard, eh??! This one hasn't died at all, yet. I still think there's hope out there for me, though! I living and learning, and taking it all as it comes. As for the boy, I know I don't want a boyfriend just yet, but boy friends are always fun. :) So, I'll keep ya posted.

With all the April rain, I can't help but think that my favorite time is coming! Summer is sneaking up quickly! The promise of patio drinks, long pool days, SPF 60, and catching up with friends keeps me smiling.

2010 has really proven to kick 2009s ass so far, and I am excited to see what else it brings my way. :)
