Monday, June 7, 2010

why I play...

Someone once told me...

"Music is the one thing that has the ability to numb me and move me at the same time. It can bring me back to life, time and time again. So, that's why I play. And I will continue to play. I will never stop. Because once I lose that feeling, that is when I will die."

All for the love of music. Have you ever heard a song that was so powerful it brought you to tears? I heard one today. It made me think of this wise man who once said this to me back in college. And I agree. Music moves me like nothing else. I have always wished I was blessed with the talent to write, create, and move others through music.

To those people who are talented and brave enough to create music, you are my heros. Keep going, keep writing, keep playing, keep dreaming. Whether it's for packed stadiums, friends at a bonfire, or alone in your room, don't ever stop playing. Because you never know who your music will touch and how powerful that moment will be.
